This was my first cake with fondant . It took some time but it turned out well. It was to be very simple and have gold accents.
Hi Kelly
The cake was AMAZING! He didn't want to
eat it even! I could not get over what
an amazing job you did, and can't thank
you enough. I wanted to tell you thank
you in person when I saw you come into
the hotel but I had to keep Darcy from
seeing you!We haven't had a chance to
get organized yet to send you any
pictures but as soon as we do I will
send some your way! Everyone absolutely
loved it and you really made the
graduation even more special. And, on a
side note, Darcy and I are engaged now!
He proposed to me in his Surge on Monday
night! I guess food really is the way to
a man's heart! Ha Ha!
Thanks again Kelly for doing truly and
unbelievable job and I kept telling
everyone that it was so fun to do it
because you were so lovely to deal
with and put such effort and love
into your work.
Kelly that cake looks really good.WOW!! You have such a nak for making things look pretty...
Wow, Kelly - it looks absolutely wonderful! Yumm!
for your first cake it looks GREAT, you will only great better and better. Good luck!
Kelly, thanks for your comment on my blog! I love these cakes and actually I haven't found a baker yet and if the price fits I would love to have you bake our cake! What an interesting way to find you and include you in our wedding! Anyways you can email me at bahslerd@gmail.com to talk it over.
omg ur so good at that
hopefully soon u open up ur own business
hehe and i can work for u lol
- Danielle (ur sister)
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