Tuesday, October 16, 2007

so far, so good, so messy!

well i tried the fondant sunday, was great but then i added a tiny bit of water as per the instructions and- boom, it went all tough on me..... so today i braved it again. This time i used the microwave to melt the marshmallows (that worked really well, and they didn't stick!) and then added the sugar, my hands got pretty sticky but the"dough" went well, and is resting now. it should be perfect tomorrow. once i find my camera cord i will take a picture and post it. and the taste, well it is actually edible, compared to wilton brand fondant. it is definitely encouraging.....


Steph said...

Does the recipe you have call for marshmallows, powdered sugar and water? That's the one I use and I like it a lot. I have to throw it back in the microwave for a few seconds at a time when it gets tough, but that usually does the trick!

I hate Wilton's fondant too and I can't bring myself to buy Satin Ice. So pricey.

MMF it is!

kelly said...

yes that sounds about right.... but how do you make yours? i am getting a kitchen aid mixer soon and i heard you can use that... save my arms. i will try the microwave trick. thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly, I was roaming through Facebook and found your ad on the marketplace ( I'm in the Regina area as well I'm in Pilot Butte) so i thought i would take a look. Awesome job! LOVE the treasure box! I too decorate cakes and I have used the wilton fondant and all i can say is "EEEWWWW" it was horrible tasting and i hated the texture of it and i have been to scared to try making it from scratch. Is there a considerable difference between the boxed and homemade?
I have a website also you may take a look if you'd like ( I warn you there is 1 cake i have posted that isn't my best work it was a cake for my sons birthday and i was SO rushed to get it done i ended up being a lil sloppy Thank God it was only for Family!)

Well I best run take care and have a great night.


kelly said...

hi andrea thanks for stopping by, actually the treasure box cake is on another site, frosted garden, steph is so talented!! i am just getting started myself. i love your site, do you have your own business?

about the fondant, it was easy to make and a lady i made a cake for broght it to work and said they all loved it, so i guess that is my answer!!

try the recipe on whats cooking america.... it isn't too hard but for gosh sakes GREASE YOUR COUNTER!! LOL

Anonymous said...

OPPPS my bad Sorry bout that amongst the clicking i got lost on the pages ..lol

WEll i did have my own business up until i moved here and lost all of my clients and it has been hard to get things rolling again :( I would love to be able to stay home with my 3 kids and make cakes but i am being forced to have to go and work out side the home. I have been making cakes for about 9 years now and i'm self taught i picked it up from my mom as well.
The best part this year is getting to make Clay Walker his Birthday Cake he was totally amazed that i did a cake for him.

I will have to give the homemade fondant a shot .. test it out on the family they get quite happy when i have time to make only them a cake..lol Thanks for the tip ..i'll make dang sure the counter is greased ..lol
Have a great night

kelly said...

well good luck with that, i just made a batch today, it gets easier everytime!